What is difference between application and software?

      What is difference between application and software?

       All application is a software but all software are not an application. Application is using for particular task. if you open Vlc media player then you will play only video.so application are only for particular work. But system software Doing at a time many work without software you can not perform any task with the help of Applications. Software is executable it is no need for user interaction it can execute self and work in background but Application need to user interaction. All application interact with the help of system software. if you taking example for software then you can choose different driver network driver wireless driver video driver and operating system.Opening the system the software automatically run or execute in the background.

If you understand in simple way then start first from hardware hardware is a physical device you can touch eg motherboard network card wireless device, hard disk monitor printer etc.
And software connect all hardware to make a particular task performer system software execute itself and connect all hardware component And application using for particular task performance .
so it is major different between application and software.

What is difference between application and software?       What is difference between application and software? Reviewed by allvsall on November 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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