Internet of things IOT

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IOT(internet of things) All of you familiar with iot device. what is iot device? Basically that device is connected with internet that is called iot as for your refrigerator smart tv air conditioner. when you are in home and your room temperature is 30 degree Celsius then automatically your ac will turn on and you enjoy in the room with normal temperature. Actually how its worked if you come in home from office then your door connected with sensor its sense you and send to temperature measure device and device sends this degree to ac and ac check this degree if its got more than 20 degree then its automatically turn on. 

its means basic concept behind this its identified all device that 
connect with internet.

How can be connect device with internet?

First you need to software what is software you check my previous articles. Basically software connect all device with the help of driver software. It means first connect with main system to all IOT device. then second main things is connect with internet.every iot device communicate with another devices and all devices connect with system. so every devices should be a ip(internet protocol) address that ip is the device address. 
if you came home from office then door is automatically open and send this information to  room temperature measure device. that device assign ip address and door are also assign ip address and all configured on internet.

It is rapidly grow day by day its can bring a lot of problem its reqire time to time update. every device connected with internet so create privacy issue it is big issue no one can safe in home or out of the home. many hackers available on internet to theft the sensitive data and misuse that data. so its important things privacy.

Today Billion of device connected with IOT. so it is very risk to security. Today many system are theft by a hacker and disclose our privacy so it is to important to install firewall and antivirus.

Terms how to secure device.

Install firewall in all device. firewall prevent the unwanted things like virus malware.

All devices should password protected.

Avoid to connect insecure internet.

Install separate network for all devices.

Time to time update security patches.

After using disconnect all device from internet.

Make simple rules for children.

Always know what's connected.

Internet of things IOT Internet of things IOT Reviewed by allvsall on November 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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